Saturday, 20 January 2007

Coming up on

I've just finished writing and editing a number of new Podtours.

You should shortly be able to download mp3 audio tours of the following sites:

  • Ghent, Belgium

  • Ely - city and cathedral

  • Peterborough cathedral

  • Bourges, France

  • Laon cathedral, France

Meanwhile there are a few more stacked up and nearly ready to go - two tours of Bruges, and tours of Mont Saint Michel, Saint-Denis basilica in Paris, Reims cathedral, and Lincoln.

I'd be very interested in hearing from people about what destinations they'd really like an audio tour for. And I'm also going to be thinking about doing tours of some of the big museums - but rather than trying to do 'the British Museum in a day', take a special subject, whether that's music through the ages, the Etruscans, or the idea of the Orient.  Or say in the Louvre, you could follow different paths depending on whether you're interested in women artists, different interpretations of religious art, or images of landscape and travel.

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